While many infertility cases can be pinpointed to a particular cause, sometimes experts can’t determine why your fertility journey isn’t going as HIV อาการ. This is known as unexplained infertility. A fertility specialist can help you understand your options and the next suitable steps. Here are six potential causes of unexplained infertility:

1. Silent or Mild Endometriosis

When endometriosis is severe, a doctor can detect it using pelvic exams, medical imaging, or a laparoscopy. Endometrial cysts causing fallopian tube blockage or interfering with ovulation may be noticeable, making endometriosis an identifiable cause of infertility. Sometimes, this condition can be mild or silent. That means it’s present but doesn’t show any symptoms, or it’s not severe enough to be detected through exams or imaging. This form of endometriosis may still cause infertility, and further, more advanced testing may be necessary. 

2. An Undiagnosed Medical Condition 

A non-reproductive medical condition that affects fertility may be present but not yet diagnosed. Medical experts may not understand how every condition affects fertility, making it challenging for them to diagnose it. Advancements in the medical field are ongoing, and new research is being conducted to understand the relationship between certain diseases or conditions and infertility. 

3. Hostile Cervical Mucus 

The sperm must swim from the cervix, through the uterus, and up to the fallopian tubes to reach an egg. Cervical mucus is the fluid that helps the sperm make that journey. There may be times when the quality of this fluid can be unfavorable and disrupt sperm motility. It may contain antibodies that destroy the sperm before it can reach its destination. This is known as hostile cervical mucus. Diagnosing this issue isn’t usually straightforward, leaving many unexplained infertility cases.

4. Uterine Lining Abnormalities 

The uterine lining, or endometrium, is the tissue where a fertilized egg implants and starts to grow. The endometrium must be thick enough for implantation and healthy enough to support a pregnancy. Abnormalities in the uterine lining can cause infertility even if there are no symptoms. The luteal phase defect prevents the uterine lining from becoming thick enough for implantation. Since pinpointing this problem is not always easy, it’s a potential cause of unexplained infertility

5. Poor Egg and/or Sperm Quality

Tests are available to determine whether a woman is ovulating and the estimated quantity of eggs she has. These tests do not accurately assess the egg quality, making it a possible cause of unexplained infertility. Poor egg quality is often related to age, but other factors, like genetics, an underlying medical condition, or unknown factors, may contribute too. Like a woman’s eggs, tests are available to determine a man’s sperm count, morphology, motility, and other aspects. A semen analysis can reveal these factors but may not show an underlying issue that causes poor sperm quality. If sperm that looks healthy and motile cannot fertilize an egg, poor sperm quality may be the reason.

6. Improperly Timed Intercourse 

Everything may be normal, but a couple may not be timing intercourse around ovulation correctly. Many couples have intercourse every other day or even less frequently and miss out on the fertility window. This is especially common when tracking ovulation isn’t part of the routine. Because the egg and sperm have a limited lifespan, missing this window can lead to non-conception. A healthcare professional may recommend tracking your cycle or using ovulation kits to try and determine the fertility window. Having intercourse during that window increases the chances of conception. 

Get the Right Help for Unexplained Infertility

Even if you have unexplained infertility, conceiving may be possible with the proper assistance. A fertility specialist can help you better understand your situation and options. They may recommend lifestyle changes, medications, or treatments like IVF or IUI to improve the chances of conceiving. Unexplained infertility may be resolved with the right support, and you may finally achieve your goal of becoming a parent.