The state of your air filters can impact your HVAC system’s performance and longevity. Search “HVAC repair near me” if your unit isn’t operating optimally to identify professional HVAC contractors in your area. They can inspect your air filters to determine if changing them will improve your system’s efficiency. 

Air Filters’ Role in HVAC System Performance

The primary role of an air filter is to eliminate airborne contaminants like pet dander, pollen, and dust from indoor air. By eliminating these contaminants, the air filter helps your HVAC unit to improve indoor air quality. Good indoor air quality can enhance comfort and reduce susceptibility to allergies and respiratory problems from airborne contaminants. 

Air filters also protect HVAC components like blower motors and evaporator coils from dirt and debris buildup by capturing contaminants. Dust buildup on your evaporator coil can force it to overwork when cooling your air, resulting in early wear and tear. Your blower motor may also be susceptible to early wear and tear because too much dust buildup causes bearings and windings to burn faster. Air filters can prevent these mechanical issues, allowing you to go repair-free for longer. 

Air filters can also help your system perform optimally and efficiently. By trapping contaminants, they improve airflow within the HVAC system. This allows your unit to move air to and from your indoor space seamlessly. Optimal airflow can improve energy efficiency, as your system doesn’t need to work too hard to heat or cool your space. Energy efficiency often translates to savings in utility bills. 

Air Filters’ Impact on Your System’s Performance

Fiberglass, pleated, and high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters are some of the most common types of HVAC air filters. Your choice can impact how well your system performs. Fiberglass filters are made from layered fiberglass fibers. They capture large particles like lint and dust. These filters can improve your system’s performance if large particles are your primary concern. 

Pleated filters have a large surface area as they consist of multiple layers of filter media. They capture large and small particles and can go longer without needing replacement because of their large surface area. Your system may perform better with these filters if you live in an area with small contaminants like pollen or pet dander. 

HEPA filters are the most efficient of the three as they capture microscopic contaminants like bacteria. These filters are suitable for environments where indoor air quality is detrimental, as they’ll help your HVAC unit capture even the smallest contaminants. Such environments may include laboratories and medical facilities. 

When To Search “HVAC Repair Near Me”

Google “HVAC repair near me” whenever you suspect an issue with your air filter. One common sign of problems with your air filter is worsening allergies whenever you’re in your home. This may occur when there’s a lot of dust, pollen, or pet dander on surfaces. Allergen buildup may indicate your filter isn’t working as it should, necessitating professional assistance. 

You may also need to call a professional if your HVAC unit takes longer to cool your home or if you notice a spike in your utility bill despite not adding other appliances. A dirty air filter may be responsible for these problems, as it can impede optimal airflow, preventing your unit from cooling your space evenly. It can also force your system to work harder and consume more energy to cool your space, resulting in higher bills. A reliable professional can assess your filter type and recommend cleaning or replacing it. They’ll likely recommend replacing disposable filters and cleaning permanent ones. 

Air Filters Play a Key Role in HVAC Performance 

Air filters are just as indispensable as components like evaporators, condensers, and compressors in HVAC systems. They trap contaminants, protecting other components from dust buildup and allowing your system to operate efficiently. Look for HVAC professionals in your area if your air filter stops working, as this could prevent your system from doing its job. You can find professionals by searching “HVAC repair near me.”